
Mahishahur Badh (Slaying of Mahishasura)

Being pleased in ardent penance Bramhadev asked Rambhasur for boon. Rambhasur’s boon was for his son whom he liked to see as three world winner. Bramha agreed and granted the boon. When all Gods came to know this they assembled and decided to annihilate Rambhasur. On the other side, Rambha converted himself into a buffalo. He fell in love with a water buffalo and their union gave birth of demon Mahishasura. Now Gods proceeded through a conspiracy finally resulting in Rambha’s death. Disappointed she buffalo jumped into the funeral pyre and burnt herself to death. Mahishasura who was intoxicated with pride on account of the boon he had received, defeated all Gods and became the undisputed and sole emperor of the three worlds. One day, assuming the form of woman Mahishasur detract Katyayana muni in his meditation and was cursed to be killed by woman. Insulted Devas (Gods) submitted their grievance; approached Bramha, Bishnu, Maheswar for safety and dignity and a mighty woman was created with all the glory and power of trinity with all their weapons. Adyashakti Mahamaya killed Mahishasura with weapons of her ten hands.


Mahisasura remained undefeated by the boon Lord Brahma. His perversion made the gods very angry and irritated. They approached Bramha, Bishnu, Maheswar for safety and dignity and a mighty woman was created with all the glory and power of trinity with all their weapons. Adyashakti Mahamaya killed Mahishasura with weapons of her ten hands.